Pet Safety
Cats and dogs are much more sensitive to scents than their human counterparts. Do not diffuse essential oils in a poorly ventilated space for an extended period of time.
Do not leave any oils where they will come into direct contact with pets
Keep cats out of rooms where there are high concentrations of essential oils, particularly if your cat is elderly, a kitten or has liver or respiratory problems
If a cat has asthma, allergies or other respiratory conditions do not use essential oils in the house.
Essential oils poisonous to cats, include, cinnamon, clove oil, oil of sweet birch, citrus, pine, penny royal, peppermint, tea tree, ylang ylang, eucalyptus and wintergreen. Our Radiance Room Mist Spray and Radiance Reed Diffusers contains Ylang Ylang essential oil.
Essential oils poisonous to dogs includes, penny royal, tea tree, cinnamon, peppermint, pine, wintergreen, citral, sweet birch and ylang ylang. Our Radiance Room Mist Spray and Radiance Reed Diffusers contains Ylang Ylang essential oil.